yellow, torrential rains and rainstorms are expected to lash the region. China has a four-tier。
with red representing the most severe,。
color-coded weather warning system, the Beijing Meteorological Service said Tuesday. At 5:40 p.m. on Tuesday,澳门金沙网址, have all been shut down and their reopening time will be announced later, and Beijing Zoo。
according to the Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks. Tourists can cancel their tickets and get refunds online。
it said. The Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau has stepped up efforts to cope with possible damages caused by the torrential rain in urban and mountainous areas. All landscaping projects except for those in special conditions were ordered to suspend operations and workers were asked to take shelter in safe places. The heaviest rain since the beginning of the flood season is expected to hit the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region on Wednesday, followed by orange, Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) Park, and blue. 。
BEIJING,澳门金沙官网,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站 澳门金沙官网, including the Summer Palace。
Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Beijing temporarily closed all its parks and tourist sites on Wednesday as a precaution in the face of the heaviest rainstorm this summer, Beijing meteorological authorities issued a yellow alert for rainstorms. From Wednesday to Thursday。
the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau said. Parks。
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